Everything Starts With This…

Necro's Blogs
5 min readOct 5, 2022

I am going to give my first Blog a go. As the Title states Everything does start with this. Just to tell you guys a little about myself.

So here goes. I am a 28 year old American, who lives in the Philippines. I am roughly between 5'8- 5'9, with dark brown hair, green eyes (That are also color changing), and an average body build. I used to live in a small city in Rome, Georgia United States (Not Rome Italy). So, how did I wind up in the Philippines? I will tell you my story.

I was born May 20, 1994 in a small public hospital located in Floyd County Georgia. I was raised near my grandparents up until the time I was 5 years old, and my sister was 4 (She was born May 25, 1995). That was when my parents got their divorce. Each of my parents got custody of one child. My mom took my sister, and my dad took me. Which, for about a year it was just my dad and I. After that my mom didn’t have the ability to take care of my sister, and she brought her to my dad to raise. All I am going to really dive into here is from the time of the divorce to the time I was 15 years old, growing up was rough. I made some bad decisions that got me into trouble (Wasn’t drug related), my dad married a terrible woman, I was bullied all through elementary to middle school, and I made the wrong friends.

Flash forward to the time I am 15 years old. My dad is getting his second divorce, and my mother makes my sister and I move in with her. The thing is for almost 15 years she didn’t have anything to do with either of us. She was in and out our lives, and there was a time we didn’t see her for almost 2 Years. Anyways, now we are with her and living in Rome Georgia. My sister and I switched schools in the middle of the year, and everything started all over again. New friends, new classes, and new challenges. It was ok for me because I was used to it. The only difference was, the people in Rome Middle School were not bullies. I was able to finish 7th and 8th grade without being bullied/fighting for my life on a daily basis. Which that was really amazing because for once in my life I had nothing to worry about.

Jump ahead to High School. I joined the Marching Band/Concert Band, where I met the first girl I ever fell in love with. Although, I didn’t meet her until almost the end of 9th grade after my appendix had to be removed (I will explain that story in another Blog). At the time she was only in 8th grade and was an upcoming Freshman. Her name was Diana Larios, a Hispanic Vietnamese, she was about 5'2, had long black hair, brown eyes, and slim built. I was attracted to her because she was shorter than me ( Which I prefer), and she had a body that was like an hourglass. Like I said, I met her after my appendix had to be removed, during the time Myspace was still the big Social media platform. Turned out she rode my bus and had been looking at me and crushing on me the whole year. She had called me while I was in the Hospital, and left me a message to call her back.

Let’s just say after that we started dating. For almost a year we were together. She was the one I lost my virginity to, and I also took hers. Then as usual you can guess, tragedy struck and we broke up (Which will be another Blog to come). Flash from there, I finish High School, and I get my Diploma.

After High School I got a job at Wal-Mart. I worked at the one in Rome and also in Cedartown over a span of 3 years. During the time I had many different relationships along with a long distance one with a girl from the Philippines. I did a lot of things I regret such as cheating, but that was the path I chose after having my heart broken in High School. So there for a while I was a cheater and always thought it was better to hurt them before I was the one to get hurt. Yea, I know now that at the time I was just being stupid, but t the time I thought about only protecting my heart.

Now let’s get into 2016–2017. I had moved back at home during those times because I had just gotten out of a relationship, and didn’t have work. I was on stand by for the first couple of months during 2016, then In March I got myself a job working at the Kangaroo down the street from my house. During the time that I worked there, I had reconnected with the girl from the Philippines, and made a plan to go there to be with her. So here it comes, in January of 2017 I left my job at the Kangaroo, and flew to the Philippines February 24, 2017.

The flight was terrible, I had never wanted to get on a damn plane in my life. Unfortunately, you can’t drive to the Philippines, so I had no choice. It was long and tiring. I had 2 stop overs, 1 in San Francisco California and the other was in Taipei Taiwan. Once I was in the Manila Airport, I met the girl outside. Her name was Elizabeth Diestro. She was about 5'5, long black hair, brown eyes, and average build.

For almost 5 years we were together, until she passed away (Sad Blog to come). She was older than me but still to young to pass. It left me in a really dark hole of regret and took the biggest part of me away. I regretted everything that ever happened with me and her. All the fights we had, all the times I cheated on her during the time we were together. She loved me so much she always took me back even though I was the stupid one. They always say “You don’t realize what you have, until it’s gone.”. For most of my life I didn’t understand that, until I lost her.

Today, I am still in Philippines, and I now have a new relationship. Her name is Rosemarie Flores. She is about 5'5–5'6, mixture of black and light brown hair (Due to dying), brown eyes, and average build. She is a really sweet girl but sometimes she does have outbursts. She is also loving, caring, and was there when I was going through the loss that I had.

Now you at least know a little bit about me, and some of the things I have been through. More will come and you will get to know me more in depth. If you like my Blogs or just want to follow to find out more. Go ahead sign up so you don’t miss out on a thing. See you in the next one!



Necro's Blogs

This is my first time to start a blogging page. This will be the first place I have ever publicly published my work, hope you enjoy.